Friday, June 20, 2008

Goodbye Malaysia Hello Thailand!

Nice to have completed another country! Biking in Thailand is more easy. Going much faster. Just came off a record day of 207 km! That is too much but between the last town we stayed at and our current one there really isn't much accommodation. The next 2 days will be tough as well but probably not as hardcore as today.

In other news it seems everyday there is something wrong with me. Trevor is always fine... lucky. But then again I could just be me being paranoid. For example I got some rash now and don't know what it is from. I went to the drug store and the pharmacist gave me some stuff... hopefully it will go away. Kind of itchy as well. But my side no longer is in pain... Sometimes I think I may be falling apart! Still alive though.

In other random news too many dogs like to chase us... not good with rabies rampant. I almost ran over a living snake. Didn't realize it but Trevor told me as he had to swerve out of the way. And in addition to the racing vehicles we have to worry about not hitting us we now have to watch out for each other! Trevor rear ended me by mistake when I abruptly stopped and then fell and scrapped himself. Whoops... my bad there. Finally Trevor had his first flat today and fixed it up quickly. So good to that.

The pictures are me around the Pedang Besar border in Malaysia... nice limestone cliff I think. The other is me in Nakhon Si Thammarat (our current town).

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